Farhad Pourkamali is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver). He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder), where he subsequently completed a one-year postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Applied Mathematics. Prior to his current role, he served as an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass Lowell) from 2018 to 2022. In 2021, he received the Visiting Faculty Research Program (VFRP) award from the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI). Since the fall of 2022, he has been a part of CU Denver, where he leads the Mathematics, Information, and Data Science (MINDS) Lab. His main emphasis is on advancing machine learning techniques to reduce the necessity for human input, enhance their computational and statistical efficiency, and create accessible cyberinfrastructure resources. He is committed to addressing practical problems in various domains, including materials science and natural hazards analysis, and is actively seeking opportunities for collaboration.
The objective of my research is to develop efficient machine learning methods that can address a diverse array of real-world challenges across various domains. My work is multifaceted, encompassing the critical aspects of data, modeling, computational efficiency, and evaluation. Below is a detailed breakdown of these key areas:
The complete collection of my publications can be found on Google Scholar.